Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen

This post was written in collaboration with Nature's Own. All opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. #GoodnessIsInOurNature #NaturesOwnIt

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |

Do you know the feeling of walking past a clean kitchen, stopping to admire, and moving on with a smile? In so many homes, including our own, the kitchen becomes the heart and soul of the house. From planned holiday gatherings with family and friends to impromptu late-night chats over a glass of wine, it is somewhere that holds and continues to be a location for memories. Before moving into our new home, we knew we wanted the kitchen to be a space that wasn’t forgotten.

We wanted a kitchen that exuded both purpose and organized efficiency, and somewhere that wouldn’t become a dumping ground for discarded mail, and items collected and abandoned throughout the day. Because we had this purpose in mind, we start and finish the day with a clean slate in the kitchen. This is just one of the simple design rules we follow so that this space can continue to be a place we pause and admire throughout the day. In today’s post, we’re sharing six design rules to cultivate an organized and efficient kitchen space.

Everything Has it’s Place - Mapping Out Your Kitchen Space.

We’ve lived in several locations, from apartments to condos and homes where each kitchen served a different purpose. Some being a space to congregate, others being a storage place, or simply to serve the purpose of making a meal and moving on. Since this home is our first, it meant more to us to make sure that the kitchen served a mission for our family. We wanted our daughter to feel comfortable walking around and safe from things she may get into.

Because of this we purposefully organized and arranged the space to be accessible for each member of our family. Placing our daughter’s mealtime essentials in a lower cabinet and keeping glass items out of reach. Mapping out where to put things adds to the daily convenience of not searching endlessly for a single object; when everything has its place, it makes day-to-day living more comfortable.

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |
Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |

Practice the Art of Streamlining

Coming from someone who has a hard time letting go of things, I know just how hard it can be to streamline your space. With coffee cups from college that hold nostalgia or your go-to cereal bowl that seems to make a move from house-to-house, some things are OK to let go. If given the opportunity, most of us will find any justification for keeping things. Perhaps being forced into downsizing your collections will allow you to only hold onto the thing that genuinely holds a purpose in your life. 

The other great thing about an open kitchen is putting the things you do love on display. Open shelving is a great way to maintain organization and accessibility for everyday items we love and use. I feel like the more we can see and visualize the things we love, the more grateful we are.

How to Make Your Kitchen Inviting 

When either my husband or I am cooking, we love listening to music. Music is one of those things that can instantly trigger a mood or a memory! Who doesn’t want to feel good while cooking a meal for their family? If you follow us on Spotify, you’ll know we like a mix of feel-good music with country, classic rock, and alternative being among our favorite genres. 

We created a cooking playlist sure to put you in a good mood. You can check out our link here: Goodness Gathers Cooking Playlist

Another favorite addition to any space are flowers, but these are especially nice to have in a kitchen. Bringing in color through flowers or greenery adds a touch of life to an otherwise busy space. You could also add in small herbs to sit on a windowsill.

Storing Like Things Together

Organizing can have a considerable impact on daily life. You are more likely to flow through your day interrupted, and it’s one less stressor that’s completely avoidable. Just as I mentioned that everything has its place, the same can be said for storing food and dry goods. Setting up your kitchen for success can be as easy as unboxing snacks from cardboard boxes to make them easily accessible. Or, labeling spices clearly and legible, so there’s no mistaking the salt for sugar.

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |
Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go out and buy clear containers for everything in your food pantry. Instead, find a storage solution that keeps similar things together and makes mealtime easier to navigate. Another great example of this is bread storage, instead of stashing them in a breadbox, I keep our Nature's Own bread in a rattan bin. This allows for easy access and helps me know when I’m running low and need to pick up more at the grocery store. Both the Honey Wheat and Perfectly Crafted Thick Sliced White Bread are a favorite of the entire family.

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |
Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |

How to Start a Kitchen Clear Out

Start and think small. Getting overwhelmed isn’t the right headspace for anyone to be and can make abandoning an organization project more likely. One of the best ways to jump in is to clean and clear out. Start with your fridge, toss expired foods or empty containers. Next, do a deep clean, go through your refrigerator drawers and wipe up spills or remnants from food. Once you have a clean slate, you can begin to reconfigure your fridge. 

Taking small steps will help the project be more manageable and you’ll start to see progress right away!

Is the kitchen a place where your family congregates? We’d love to hear how you stay organized and keep your space a place where goodness gathers. Leave us a comment below sharing your best organization tip!

Design Rules for an Organized and Efficient Kitchen via. The Pacific Standard |