The Pacific Standard

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A Lesson Learned 2016

2016 was a year of lessons, from learning to be a better blogger, to being more flexible in both life and in my career. I was met by challenges and successes all of which had an outcome which proved helpful to my outlook on life. I'm so incredibly grateful to those who have stuck with me through the years and also to those who may be new readers. If there's one lesson that I think could be helpful to blogger newbies (and also seasoned writers) it's the power of networking.

Be open to new connections!

This year marked my second year as a San Francisco resident. Since moving from the east bay I've been able to meet a fabulous group of local bloggers who have become friends. Not only are they a great support system but, they also have been incredibly helpful in my growth as a blogger. I'm also over the moon to share that I'll be heading to NYFW in February with a few of my SF babes.  It's a first for me, so I'll be sharing my travel planning process along the way!


It's OK to say NO!

2017 will mark my 5th year since starting Birdie Shoots. It's been a progression over the years and has formed itself into a business that I take very seriously. When I first started I was open to everything and took many jobs and collaborations that involved no pay. I'd still recommend being open to unpaid gigs but, would also say to never undervalue your work and time. I've been blessed to have the opportunity to work with amazing PR teams and companies and hold them in the highest regard. Moving forward I've made a promise to myself and my audience to continue sharing only the things I am most passionate about.

Take Time to Create

There were a few times this past year when time got the best of me and I felt rushed or unprepared to write a post. Some I considered important while others were posted for the sake of posting. This past spring I, along with my blog photographer and Fiance sat down and decided to take the time to plan and prep before posting. In doing so I went from posting four times a week to three, taking the time to develop photos and really take pride in the items I was sharing. Making this change has taken my posts to the next level and has made our photo shoots that much more successful.

What lesson did you find most successful this year?



See this gallery in the original post