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Casual Friday, Going the Distance with Zappos

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Cue the crazy leggings, costumes, and annual celebratory beverages it's almost Bay to Breakers! As an avid runner and Bay Are native I'm certainly no stranger to the San Francisco's race event of the season. I've ran dozens of races but, it's safe to say it's one of the best, if not one of the most entertaining races I've ever partaken in! For those of you unfamiliar with Bay to Breakers, it's San Francisco's born and bread race, which involves everyone and everything you could possible think of. From the full-on costumes to those racing for time, it's event that sure to have something for everyone. 

When prepping for a big race I have a few tried and true habits that get me to the finish line. First off, I'd like to state that I'm a runner by hobby not not by passion. I'm certainly not one to embark on a 26.2 miler, but I do no a thing or two about running.  

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, I can't stress enough how important it is to keep your body hydrated. This is something that should be done well-before race day. In fact, I'd like to think that this is a crucial habit for any runner to get under their belt. Not only will you be able to get the most out of your run, but you'll also keep side effects of dehydration at bay. 

What ever your fancy, classical, rock, or country keep your feet moving with an awesome playlist. There is nothing like the perfect song that will pump you up and get your behind across that finish line. When putting together a playlist I like to use Spodify, not only can you create a custom playlist, but you can also create the order in which they play. Keep your favorite faster songs at the beginning and end of mix.

Dress the Part:
No one likes to be adjusting, pulling their pants up, or worrying about their attire mid-run. Wear clothing that feels great, fits your body and feels comfortable. Not everyone can wear micro-shorts and sports bra, if you can more power to ya! For me I feel most comfortable in light, breathable leggings or shorts and a tanks. If you can find a full outfit at a one-stop shop like you'll be that much more prepared. 

Happy Feet:
Let's face it there really isn't a bigger buzz-kill than a blister. I'm speaking from experience when I say, keep your feet happy! Knowing your true athletic shoe size and fit can help you go the distance. Keep in mind that not all running shoes are created equally. Some cater to a strong support while others other a more flat footed approach. With thousands of styles, and fast and free shipping you can't go wrong with placing an order with Zappos!

Have Fun!
No one is paying you to run, have fun with it and enjoy yourself! If you're a running newbie or a seasoned athlete enjoy your surroundings, follow your pace, and do your best!

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